Thursday, September 2, 2021

JA poem

 A pelow is not just a pillow           
It could be a sqwishe 
It could be a sleeping pillow 
or it could be a cowishin
or it could be a traveling pillow
or it could also be for pillow fighting.


  1. Good job Jana. I like the pictures you have included for the different pillows. What inspired you to write a poem about pillows? Remember to check your spelling and add a title for your blog post.

  2. Hello Jana,

    I really enjoyed reading your Poem about pillows but while I was reading your poem I noticed 2 mistakes so maybe next time you could reread your work or you could tell someone how to spell the word. I also really liked how you thought about the different ways you could use a pillow as.

  3. thank you miss leuii

  4. thank you mina i will chek my work


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